Saturday, January 15, 2011

StupidiNews! The Good, The Bad, The Stupid

The Good:

The youngest victim of the recent Arizona shooting, Christina Green, donated her organs in a final act of generosity.  Her father announced that a  child in Boston has already been saved due to this heroic deed.  Green's story is touching, but not only did a good thing come of this sadness, it calls attention to a very important decision we can make that will save lives. It's important to acknowledge the good, even if it comes so quickly after a tragic note.

The Bad:

A man in Novi, Michigan has killed his wife and two sons, and then himself.  I honestly don't intend to bring these up every time (in fact, for each time I mention something like this, I pass on several).  But I cannot ignore the scream of people reaching the breaking point.  This is why I say we have a social obligation to help our friends and neighbors to the best of our ability.  Right now, the details aren't known about why Mark Schons did this, but more and more people are drowning in stress and doing things that they would normally have never dreamed of.  Be good to the people around you.  You may never know how much your kindness means.

The Stupid:

A Colorado woman's 13-month-old son drowned while she played games on Facebook.  She claimed she left him alone because he was independent and she didn't want him to become a "momma's boy."  The mother's response was to say this was "so stupid."  These mistakes are actually more common than we may think, anyone who has raised kids has, intentionally or not, set them up for a roll of the dice.  These sad stories serve as wake-up calls to the rest of us.  Just a few minutes or a single choice can change the rest of your life.  Don't ever forget it.

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