Monday, January 10, 2011

When A Good Trick Backfires...

... innocent people get shot.  Good people crumble under pressure piled on by a failed economy and bleak future.  And a once noble country nears the point of no return.

We fell for a trick, folks.  We have been polarized as a nation because the people in power want to win.  Not to do good, or to change the world, or to make their mark on history.  Nope.  We were sold out for some powerful jerk to get a "neener neener" moment in on his buddies.  Government seems very little about governing the country anymore.  It is about power, getting what you want and winning no matter the cost.  We're paying for this game and suffering the consequences.

Sarah Palin is the worst example I can think of when it comes to this problem.  Her sole purpose is that of a wedge.  When she was popular, she was a wedge between Democrats and Republicans.  Now that her mask has slipped, she is now a division among those she supposedly represents.  The Arizona fiasco is only one time of many that she has proven herself to be stubborn, tasteless and immature.  The very idea of her involvement in foreign relations makes me sick, and scared.  Very scared.

We need to see this wake-up call for what it is, and listen.  It isn't about defeating the other guys, it's about maintaining our country, and looking ahead to make sure we remain stable and safe.  Everything else comes second to that.  Those who have forgotten that will be the ruin of this country, if we allow.  Maybe it took the death of an innocent child among others to make us realize that when you apply pressure for too long, people snap.  And that when government fails to do its job, countries collapse. It can happen to us, as painful as that is to realize.  We're not to the point of no return yet.  We can still turn it around and climb out of this hole.  But it will take maturity and real leadership, not just cawing and screeching at the masses.  Sadly, that's in short supply.
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