Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Badgers To Hoosiers

Looks like Indiana Dems are following the same game plan as Wisconsin to stop a much worse bill that would dismantle all employee unions and all collective bargaining, public and private sector as I mentioned this morning.

The Indianapolis Star reports that Democratic members of the state House are heading out of state to prevent the Republican majority from moving forward on a bill "that would bar unions and companies from negotiating a contract that requires non-union members to kick-in fees for representation."

In scenes reminiscent of those in Wisconsin, the Indiana Democrats are using the legislature's quorum rules to stop the GOP, despite being outgunned in the legislature and in the governor's mansion, where potential 2012 Republican presidential candidate Mitch Daniels currently resides.

The breakdown of the quorum rules and the battle in the state House, from the Star:
The House was came (sic) into session this morning, with only two of the 40 Democrats present. Those two were needed to make a motion, and a seconding motion, for any procedural steps Democrats would want to take to ensure Republicans don't do anything official without quorum. 
With only 58 legislators present, there was no quorum present to do business. The House needs 67 of its members to be present.
A source told the paper Democrats "are headed to Illinois, though it was possible some also might go to Kentucky."

The Democrats "need to go to a state with a Democratic governor to avoid being taken into police custody and returned to Indiana," the paper reports. 

C'mon over, Indiana Dems.  We'll leave a light on for you.
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