Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Fried Irony WIth A Side Of Irony, and Irony Gravy

At first, I wanted to call BS after reading that Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg was being stalked via creepy messages on Facebook.  The timing seemed too concidental, after Facebook taking a beating in the press for its repeated invasions of privacy.  TMZ also ran some details that explain how Zuckerberg has received messages from a desperate young man begging for money for his family.

Zuckerberg has a chance to buy some good publicity and gain some ground with the press if he puts the right spin on these events.  There is a chance to show unhappy users that he knows how they feel and use this newfound perspective to gain some trust.  There is currently a restraining order against Pradeep Manukonda, but a savvy player knows when an opportunity opens up.  The bad news is, if this distraction keeps Mark from tending to business, his crops could be ruined.

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