Friday, March 25, 2011

Another Milepost On The Road To Oblivion

At some point Republicans stop being self-parodying numbskulls and cross over into the realm of being truly frightening in their ignorance of what rule of law in a representative democracy actually means, to whit:  meet Alaska's Don Haase.

Gov. Sean Parnell's appointee for the panel that nominates state judges testified Wednesday that he would like to see Alaskans prosecuted for having sex outside of marriage.

The candidate, Don Haase of Valdez, also admitted under questioning by members of the Senate Judiciary Committee that his official resume failed to disclose his leadership role in Eagle Forum Alaska, which advocates for social conservative issues. He most recently was president of the organization, but resigned when he learned of his nomination, he said.

Yes, why should any one involved in nominating state judges be versed in legal matters or follow the rules?  Gov. Sean "I Took Over For Moose Lady When She Quit" Parnell's choice here is truly inspired in its ineptness.  Here's Don in action:

His resume listed such extracurricular activities as his roles in producing and starring in local plays for tourists and being a member of the Valdez Snowmachine Club. But it made no reference to the Eagle Forum Alaska. In response to questions from Sen. Joe Paskvan, D-Fairbanks, Haase said he became active in the organization about 2005, eventually taking on responsibility for its blog. "I was only president for a couple of months. I resigned as soon as I got the call that this came up," Haase said.
He said he didn't think it was important enough to merit mention in his resume. He didn't list his church membership either, he said.

One blog post on the Eagle Forum Alaska site praised efforts at criminalizing adultery in Michigan, and Paskvan asked Haase if he thought it should be a felony in Alaska.

"I don't see that that would rise to the level of a felony," Haase said.

Paskvan: "Do you believe it should be a crime?"

Haase: "Yeah, I think it's very harmful to have extramarital affairs. It's harmful to children, it's harmful to the spouse who entered a legally binding agreement to marry the person that's cheating on them."

Paskvan: "What about premarital affairs -- should that be a crime?"

Haase: "I think that would be up to the voters certainly. If it came before (the state) as a vote, I probably would vote for it ... I can see where it would be a matter for the state to be involved with because of the spread of disease and the likelihood that it would cause violence. I can see legitimate reasons to push that as a crime."
Haase then asked why those questions were relevant.

Good night folks, enjoy your meal and please tip your server on the way out, they work hard.

Seriously, I'm not a lawyer, but if I'm assessing whether or not somebody should be on a panel to nominate judges and I see their beliefs on the subject of the law includes "I think we should be able to criminalize non-marital sex" then I am putting that dude's resume in the "no" pile.

Preferably after setting it on fire and stomping on the ashes, then incorporating the ashes into a clay target I then would shoot for sport, then gathering up the clay pieces and run over them with construction equipment.  Large construction equipment.  The kind they make Discovery channel specials about.

You can't make this level of idiocy up, folks.  But remember, Republican "patriots" want a smaller, less intrusive government.

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