Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Oh Baby, What A Mess

For more than four decades, the federal government has subsidized family planning programs that provide contraceptive and related health and family services to millions of low-income women and men.

So, why have Republican House members set their sights on the $327 million that would fund the program this year?

The answer, largely, is Planned Parenthood and politics.

NPR goes into depth and explains how women's health rights are in danger.  Women who are insured or can afford healthcare won't be affected by this.  Women of lesser means may find no help available if this funding is redirected.  Richard Nixon signed this into effect and said that "no American woman should be denied access to family planning assistance because of her economic condition."  He was right.

I don't feel like being polite, so bear with me.  No bunch of controlling, overbearing and largely uninformed bunch of yokels have the right to prevent healthcare and options to women who cannot afford birth control.  Realizing you don't have the means to support a family and taking steps to prevent pregnancy is responsible.  This is where we need to redirect our funds to prevent abortions.  This stupidity cannot be tolerated.
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