Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Rice-A-Phony, Part 2

Undeterred after her shellacking at the hands of Lawrence O'Donnell on Thursday night, Condi Rice went on CNN's Fareed Zakaria GPS on Sunday morning to deliver more "Well we were the ones really responsible for getting bin Laden."

“Now it is absolutely the case that the United States of America has been fighting this war for at least ten years, and really a bit longer,” she said. “And so this is a victory across presidencies. It’s a – it’s a victory for having learned more how to fight the counter terrorism fight. But there’s no doubt that as President Bush had to make some very, very hard calls that frankly helped to set this up, President Obama had to make some very difficult calls to bring it to conclusion.”

Yes, Bush had to make very, very difficult calls to help "set this up" like giving up the search for bin Laden in 2006.   Zakaria doesn't challenge this notion at all, even though he led off the interview by noting that it wasn't a top priority until after President Obama restarted the hunt.  Condi then immediately lies and says it was a top priority, that they spent every minute trying to get bin Laden, and she then even mentions that the CIA had a unit "dedicated" to bin Laden.

This is the same Alec Station unit of bin Laden hunters that Bush shut down in 2006. Zakaria says nothing and lets that massive lie slide.  Bush gave up on the hunt for bin Laden, period.

Astounding.  This was a fastball over the plate and Zakaria won't even swing.  Liberal media my ass.

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