Thursday, May 26, 2011

You're Watching The Ed Joke

I've not been a fan of Ed Schultz, not since his "advice" to Dems in 2010 was to stay home and not vote.  I'm even less of a fan now that he's racked up a forced week off for calling right-wing radio host Laura Ingraham a "slut".

Yeah, sorry Ed, there's no excuse for this.  And frankly I wouldn't be terribly upset in the least if he didn't come back at all.  There are a number of liberal voices we could be supporting out there, but Ed Schultz is not one of them.

To his credit, he did apologize last night, and it seemed sincere and far more of an actual apology than any right wing media would ever deliver.  And it's a dirty, rotten double standard that right wing media figures say far worse on a regular basis.

But to his detriment, he has still yet to deliver an apology one-tenth as heartfelt for telling Dems to stay home from the voting booth in 2010.

When he apologizes for these words like he apologized Wednesday night for saying this last July...

And I'm announcing today, I'm not going to vote in the midterms. I'm not going to do it. You can say it's un-American. No, it's rather revolutionary is what it is. I'm at that point. I'm checking out.

I'm checking out of the Democrats because they are proving to me that they don't know how to handle these big babies over on the right that say no. You know what you do? You get in the driver's seat, you hit the throttle, and you run over them.

...someone get back to me.  Other than that, I could take or leave Ed.  I stopped listening to the guy then, so what he has to say about Laura Ingraham I could give a rat's ass about.

PS, way to give the Right Wing Noise Machine something to talk about other than Medicare, Ed.  Your timing is goddamn impeccable.
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