Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Big GOP Debate Thread

Umm, so the big CNN GOP debate last night went like this:

  1. All seven candidates (Romney, Paul, Bachmann, Pawlenty, Cain, Gingrich, and Santorum) had a low bar.
  2. That low bar was "Did not burst into flames on national TV."
  3. None of the candidates burst into flames on national TV, although it was close for Santorum.
  4. Since all seven candidates failed to burst into flames on national TV, the status quo was maintained (with the addition of Bachmann officially in the race now.)
  5. The status quo was Romney is the frontrunner, so nothing changed.
  6. I want my two hours back.

That's pretty much it.  You didn't miss anything.  Long-time readers will recall the "did not burst into flames" thing was the exact same bar Sarah Palin had in the Veep Debate in 2008.
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