Pawlenty, for instance, has repeatedly dismissed the unfounded rumors questioning President Obama's US citizenship. Shakir, however, says Obama is "a jungle alien. Because that's what he is—he's not an American. You can call me a birther if you want." Shakir claims the long-form birth certificate recently released by the Obama administration is merely a clever forgery. (The Pawlenty campaign did not respond to a request for comment.)
Moving to other issues, Shakir called human-caused climate change "bullshit" and accused liberals of "trying to destroy this country."
"They're brainwashing people," he says.
Shakir has a history of rhetorical flamethrowing. He's referred to President Obama as "Borat Hussein O'Bummer" and suggested he is "a radical, subversive, con-artist fraud." His repertoire also includes referring to Democrats as "Democ-Rats," Bill Clinton as a "charlatan," and former vice president Al Gore as "vice circus barker." In 2007, he called then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton "Osama's dream girl." And he once derided people who support a sales or income tax in New Hampshire as "pathetic individuals [who] are obviously deaf, dumb, and blind (oops...audibly, mentally, and visually challenged)."
In March, Shakir sparked outrage during a meeting of the Conway budget committee, of which he's a member. At the time, citizens were enmeshed in debate over a proposed 11-percent budget cut to school spending (which was ultimately voted down). In response to a special education official who said there was "no such thing as an uneducatable person," Shakir told a gym full of citizens: "I would dispute that fact. There are certainly individuals that are uneducateable. I am simply suggesting to you and everybody else that there should be a line drawn where the taxpayer is responsible to educate certain people."
Shakir's statement drew a chorus of boos, calls to resign, and even a comparison to Hitler. To which Shakir responded, "If you don't like it, that's the way it is. You people are divorced from reality."
Charming individual. And he's throwing campaign parties for Tim Pawlenty. I wonder what the former governor's response is to this, and does he agree with Shakir that liberals are "brainwashing" people, that special needs children are "uneducatable" and that Obama is a "jungle alien"?
New tag: The Moderate Tim Pawlenty. Moderate enough to have a flaming racist asshole run part of his ground operation in New Hampshire.