Wednesday, June 15, 2011

RIP Privacy, You Will Surely Be Missed

Internet users' records could be accessed without court order, if the FBI is granted the expanded powers that it seeks. Civil rights advocates have denounced the effort, asserting that even the status quo violates Constitutional rights.
"The idea that the FBI would be given more powers when it's already been abusing lesser powers is, to put it mildly, appalling," said Shahid Buttar, executive director of the Bill of Rights Defense Committee.
Yeah, something like that.

Let's jump just a little further back in time, when the FBI decided to just look into "people of interest" and use that as means to dig until they found something to use.  Without judicial oversight, this cannot possibly be a good thing.  We learned about checks and balances in second grade.  I expect this to fail, but I remain cautious just in case.
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