Friday, June 3, 2011

Zandar's Thought Of The Day

I'm moderately impressed that despite Gallup's wording, taxing the rich is still evenly splitting the country like it has been for over a decade now.

Trend: Views on Redistributing U.S. Wealth by Heavy Taxes on the Rich Trend: Views on Redistributing U.S. Wealth by Heavy Taxes on the Rich

Here's the real gobsmacker on this Gallup poll, however:

1984-2011 Trend: Views on Distribution of Wealth in the U.S.

For 25 years now, a very healthy majority of Americans have pointed out the obvious here: wealth distribution in the country since the Reagan years has been terribly unfair. There's plenty of evidence to support that.

The richest controls 2/3 of America's net worth

The wealthiest 10% of Americans control almost 75% of the country's net worth.  That was before the financial crisis.   By now, I'm expecting that number to be 75% or higher.  And keep in mind the Republicans are saying out economy is crumbling because this percentage isn't high enough, that we have to give more back to the "job creators" and cut taxes on the wealthiest Americans because they are suffering under too much of a burden.  These are the people suffering, supposedly:

Average Income by Family, distributed by income group.

It would be hysterical if it wasn't so pathetic.

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