Saturday, October 15, 2011

"Was It Good For You?" "I Don't Remember!"

An item that LiveScience reported Tuesday about a 54-year-old woman who suffered temporary amnesia after having orgasmic sex with her husband is piquing interest today.

About an hour post-coitus, the unidentified woman went to the Georgetown University Hospital emergency room to report she could not remember the past 24 hours. Doctors diagnosed her with a rare form of sudden memory loss known as transient global amnesia, or TGA. They reported their findings in The Journal of Emergency Medicine.
I really don't have much to add.  The article goes on to say this can happen during many activities, but few would be as much fun to report.  I'm not sure if the husband would want the bragging rights from that, but if we have a slew of forgetful women... look out!
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