Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Dehydrated Rock Hard Stupidity

Maximum stupidity, a stupidity so dense and heavy that it brings down any intellectual measurements.  A stupidity so huge that it creates a stupidity orbit, which snatches little stray pieces of stupidity into its realm by pure massive attraction.

Please meet Scary Republican Granny.  I ran across her on The Immoral Minority.  This woman takes crazy to exciting new levels.  The interviewer is hilarious.  A couple of times you can hear his tone go from amused to "holy crap you can't tell you're a joke?  Well, okay then!"  She gobbled up and pukes every hateful and factually challenged argument you've heard.

Living in Missouri, I am surrounded by clones of this old biddy.  I've spent my life living happy and loud in defiance of women like this, who are so uptight you couldn't pull a greased needle out of their ass with a John Deere tractor.  I shudder and gag because I know her a hundred times over.

And people wonder why we're moving out of here.

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