Saturday, November 26, 2011

Twilight Causing Seizures, Not Just Teenage Girls Affected

The number one movie in America is allegedly giving some viewers seizures.

"Breaking Dawn, Part 1," the first part of the "Twilight Saga" finale, contains a graphic birthing scene involving star Kristen Stewart and the violent delivery of her child. ABC reports that the flashing of colors and bright lights have caused multiple viewers to suffer from photosensitive epilepsy, including a Salt Lake City man who was, "mumbling and he was blinking on and off with his eyes," his wife told the news network.

During the build-up to "Breaking Dawn," Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and director Bill Condon promised that the birthing scene would be as graphic and dramatic as possible.
A birth scene so graphic it causes seizures.  The miracle of technology has not reached its full bloom yet, it would seem.  Though to be fair, I saw the flashing from the beginning of Tazmania cause a seizure, it was one of the scariest moments of my life (the gal having the seizure didn't recall it, every moment is burned into my memory).

If anyone you know could suffer a seizure because of the flashes, you may want to give them a heads up.  This public service message was sponsored by Team Edward and Team Jacob.

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