Sunday, January 22, 2012

The South Shall Rise Again

Please tell me again how Ron Paul loves black people, because he sure digs the Confederacy, man. Imani lays it out, via News One:

Here is Ron Paul giving a speech about how the South was right, and the Civil War was awful because it destroyed “individual choice.” Never mind “individual choice” vis-à-vis the enslaved; they weren’t people and thus could lay no claim to “individuality” or “liberty.” What Paul means by “individual choice,” is “white men’s (specifically white property-owning men) individual choice.

Just look at this silly little man, standing proudly in front of a Confederate flag talking about the enslavement of black people in transactional terms. In the Ron Paul Gospel, adherence to the quintessential American values of “individual choice and” “liberty” would have required the Yankees to buy the slaves’ freedom. A detestable notion, to be sure, but also historically inaccurate since, as we all know, the South started it.

Ultimately, when it comes to black people, the world “liberty” seems to disappear from Paul’s vocabulary. Funny, that.

At this point, with Paul's anti-war stance and civil liberties stance thoroughly debunked, he's got nothing left but this nasty coded "state's rights" nonsense.  And that hasn't changed since 1860.

i am a dwarf and im digging a hole diggy diggy hole - Minecraft

Any "progressive" backing Paul was never a progressive, liberal, lefty, or hippie or whatever in the first place.  Please feel free to defend him in the comments, so we know who you are.

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