Friday, February 10, 2012

Rick Rolling The Country, Part 2

And Rick Santorum gets ever closer to self-parody of wingnut ignorance, fear-mongering, and utter stupidity.

Santorum's disdain for environmentalists was palpable and largely shared by the crowd of nearly 1,500 people here at the Meridian Convention Center. Perhaps sensing he was preaching to the choir, Santorum expounded upon his position that manmade global warming is a myth and a plot by the left to take freedoms away from the American people.

"This was a politicization of science," Santorum said, of the science behind global warming. "You hear all the time, the left – 'Oh, the conservatives are the anti-science party.' No we're not. We're the truth party. The absurdity and the politicization and the manipulation of data, why? Because the left is always looking for a way to control you. They're always trying to make you feel guilty so you'll give them power so they can lord it over you."

Connecting this position to foreign policy, Santorum said that by catering to these "radical environmental groups" President Obama has forced the country to increase its reliance on foreign oil, and he's signaled to Middle Eastern foes that we'd need their help in the future.

"We're throwing Israel under the bus because we know we're going to be dependent upon OPEC," Santorum said. "We're gonna say, Oh Iran, we don't want you to get a nuclear weapon, wink, wink, nod, nod, go ahead just give us your oil. Folks, the President of the United States is selling the economic security of this country down the river right now."

Rick Santorum is insane.  And millions share in his mass delusion that scientific fact doesn't matter, "truth" does.  And truth is whatever Ricky says it to be.  These retrograde, reactionary pinheads are one really bad voting day away from controlling this country.  If these assholes get power in November, you can kiss decades of progress and civil rights goodbye for the rest of your lifetime.  If they get enough power to enact Santorum's agenda, you can kiss generations of progress goodbye for your kids and grandkids too.

Time to pick a side, people.
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