Thursday, April 5, 2012

Endorsing Execution Of Gays Is A Exciting New Low For Bachmann

Rachel Maddow took musician Bradlee Dead to task for the following quote:

"The Muslims are calling for the execution of homosexuals in America. They themselves are upholding the laws that are even in the Bible of of Judeo-Christian God. But they seem to be more moral than even the American Christians do, because these people are livid about enforcing their laws. They know homosexuality is an abomination. If Americans won’t enforce the laws, God will raise a foreign enemy to do just that."
When pressed recently, he refused to answer with a yes or no, but said his quote was taken out of context.  I'm wondering what context could have possibly made that not sound batshit crazy.  I mean, now that women, gays, poor people and slutty girls are under the gun means the mask can come off, right?  Let's just be out with it and call to kill the people who don't live the way you think they should, is that it?  Is that really it?

According to Michele Bachmann, it is. "This ministry, 'You Can Run But You Cannot Hide,' they are not sidetracked, they're on course," Bachmann intoned. "They're way on course. Because they get it. They get what this is all about."

So do we, toots.  According to idiots like Bachmann, if you act up by exercising freedom of religion or freedom in general, you don't deserve your government's service.  In fact, you should just be shot.  Message received, oh discreet one.

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