Monday, April 23, 2012

Making A Difference: You're Doing It Right had a great article highlighting six people who made a huge difference in the world.  Everyone dreams of being the hero, few people have the wit and strength to make it happen when the opportunity arises. If being a hero was easy, everyone would do it.  Instead, we honor those who acted quickly and did the right thing.

My personal favorite is #6, a man who dove on top of another man who was suffering a seizure... while a train went over them.  It was the only chance the other fellow had of surviving, and our hero had less than two inches to spare before he was shaved like a deli ham.  Still, he never flinched (if he had, he'd be dead) and another man owes his life to a complete stranger.

That's doing it right, folks.  Please, if you have a moment, read the whole article and remember that any one of us, at any time, could be called on to be a hero.  May we all act so bravely if given a chance.
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