Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Well Played, Pitt

Using honesty and simplicity when dealing with potentially embarrassing no-win topics: you're doing it right.

Doug Pitt was asked about his mother's letter to the News-Leader on The Today Show.  Matt Lauer put him in a bit of a hard spot, though he surely saw it coming.  Disagree with his mom, support something he has made no declarations about before, or look guilty of something even worse?

The best Hollywood writer in the world couldn't have come up with a more believable and respectable response.  Seriously, he answers so well that it couldn't be turned against him, damn near impossible when family and politics are both involved.

The interview turned more serious when Lauer asked about his mother's headline-grabbing letter, published last week in the News-Leader.
Much has been made of Jane Pitt's pro Mitt Romney letter, which showed she didn't share Brad's strong support of gay rights.
Pitt acknowledged his mom and brother disagree on some political and social issues.
“Moms and dads and kids agree to disagree all over the world, so why would our family be any different?” he said.

It's true.  It's respectful.  Anyone can tell you the family rarely agrees on politics.  He said maybe the only thing that could have worked.  Well played, sir.

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