Heart disease, not drugs, was the major cause of Sage Stallone's untimely deathearlier this summer at age 36, the Los Angeles County coroner announced Thursday.There's no good way to lose someone you love, but there are still things that bring you comfort. Knowing his son's death wasn't intentional or brought on by drugs will bring them some small relief. What will bring them even more relief is just knowing the truth. Closure is important.
After conducting an autopsy as well as a full toxicology screen, the coroner cited atherosclerotic coronary artery disease as the cause of death, and said that the drug test was negative except for a small, "sub-therapeutic" level of hydrocodone, more commonly known as Vicodin.
My heart still goes out to him. After watching (and loving) The Expendables 2, there were a few themes and things that brought a tear to my eye knowing the loss he suffered after filming. But yeah, not to throw a spoiler, but if you know his son died a few scenes are touching.