Sunday, August 12, 2012

Medi-Raid And Medi-Careless

JM Ashby pulls up the House Democrats' report on what the Ryan budget plan means you'll be losing should these assclowns end up in the White House.  Here's the breakdown for the Cincy Metro area:

The Republican proposal would have even greater impacts on individuals in the Cincinnati metro area age 54 and younger who are not currently enrolled in Medicare. It would:

• Deny 3.5 million individuals age 54 and younger in the region access to Medicare’s guaranteed benefits.

• Increase the out-of-pocket costs of health coverage by over $6,000 per year in 2022 and by almost $12,000 per year in 2032 for the 772,000 individuals in the region who are between the ages of 44 and 54.

• Require the 772,000 individuals in the metro area between the ages of 44 and 54 to save an additional $180 billion for their retirement – an average of $180,000 to $287,000 per individual – to pay for the increased cost of health coverage over their lifetimes. Younger residents of the metro area will have to save even higher amounts to cover their additional medical costs.

• Raise the Medicare eligibility age by at least one year to age 66 or more for 428,000 individuals in the district who are age 44 to 49 and by two years to age 67 for 2.7 million individuals in the district who are age 43 or younger.

Be sure to check out the map to see what benefits you will be losing under GOP control where you live.  Do you think that President Romney will veto the Ryan budget plan in 2013 when the Tea Party puts it on his desk?  If you're under 50, do you think Romney/Ryan gives a good goddamn about you?  They can win on just the Boomers and the seniors, and they plan on it.

By the way, do you know who has the closest voting record to Paul Ryan in the House?  I'll give you a guess.  Nate Silver runs the numbers.

Politics 101 suggests that you play toward the center of the electorate. Although this rule has more frequently been violated when it comes to vice-presidential picks, there is evidence that presidential candidates who have more “extreme” ideologies (closer to the left wing or the right wing than the electoral center) underperform relative to the economic fundamentals.

Various statistical measures of Mr. Ryan peg him as being quite conservative. Based on his Congressional voting record, for instance, the statistical system DW-Nominate evaluates him as being roughly as conservative as Representative Michele Bachmann of Minnesota.

In fact, Nate finds that Paul Ryan is the most partisan veep candidate in modern American history.

He's more of an ideologue than Dick Cheney.  Let that sink in when you say "But Romney will govern as a moderate."  Bullshit.

It's your funeral.  You won't be able to afford the healthcare to prevent it, and you won't be able to afford the funeral, either.  New tag:  Robot/Zombie '12.

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