Democrats are raising a fuss about the closure of the George Washington Bridge because they are afraid of Gov. Chris Christie's (R) chances in 2016, according to former President George W. Bush adviser Karl Rove.
“The reason the Democrats are doing this is because Gov. Christie is a strong potential candidate in 2016 and they’re going to try to smother every Republican presidential possibility they can,” Rove said on “Fox News Sunday.”
“They know that this race in 2016 is going to be difficult for the Democrats, hard to get a third term, particularly after the two terms of Obama.”
Meanwhile, Rand Paul and Mitt Romney keep going on teevee bringing up Monica Lewinsky. You know, because the economy was so awful when Clinton was President, especially compared to the mess Bush made of it and that Obama's still trying to dig out of with no help from the GOP.
Seems like it's the GOP who is afraid if the best they have is stuff from 15 years ago on Big Dog. They've got no plan for the economy, no plan for tackling climate change or immigration, no plan for anything other than "We hate Obama, so we'll hate Clinton too."
Scared kids.