Thursday, May 1, 2014



Grung_e_Gene said...

What did you expect? Wage Slaves aren't just going to oppress themselves!

rikyrah said...

absolutely Domestic TERRORISTS

Horace Boothroyd III said...

Color me happy. Time and past time, says I, for the Democrats to use their control of the Senate to force the Republicans to stand up and openly oppose ideas and programs that are popular with the American People. Make them own that sh*t.

Kind of the inverse of the Evil Spock with a Goatee Universe over at the House, where the Goopers stage managed over fifty moronic attempts to roll back a popular bit of legislation - highlighting the fact that the Democrats are the Good Guys who want nice things for us regular folks. There is a great deal more to politics than theater alone, but a little well staged theater never hurt.

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