Sunday, June 22, 2014

Last Call For Nameless Nonsense

Dick Cheney, who should frankly be behind bars somewhere, still gets to go on TV and all but call the President a traitor for not re-invading Iraq.

Appearing on ABC’s This Week, Cheney was asked about his scathing Wall Street Journal op-ed criticizing Obama for withdrawing troops from Iraq and failing to adopt a more muscular foreign policy in response to the crisis in the Middle East.

In this op-ed, you suggest the president is a fool,” reporter Jon Karl said, “That is the word you used, ‘only a fool would take the approach he’s taking in Iraq right now.’” “It almost seems like you’re accusing the president of treason, that he’s intentionally bringing America ‘down a notch.’”

Without denying that he was questioning Obama’s intentions or dismissing the premise of Karl’s question, Cheney reiterated his criticism of the president for leaving “a big vacuum” in the entire Middle East, failing to recognize the terrorist threat, and limiting “the capability of future presidents to combat crises” by trimming military spending. Cheney ended his answer by stressing that he doesn’t “intend any disrespect for the president.

"I won't say he isn't a traitor, but I intend no disrespect to that one".  Sure. Dick.

By the way, a Republican party who has no shame in parading a war criminal like Cheney on national TV to attack the president would certainly choose to invade Iraq, Iran, Syria, and everywhere else if they get the White House and the Senate back, yes?  So they can send your kids to die for their oil money?

But you'll vote Republican anyway or stay home in November.  Good job on that, America.
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