Friday, April 10, 2015

Cruz (Information) Control

GOP presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz is in the "evil liberal media is using my verbatim quotes against me, the bastards!" phase of the campaign, which should last right up until the point he pulls out next year.

In an interview with CNBC, GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz expressed anger towards the “left-wing editorial writers” who liked to call him out for making “non-factual statements.” 
Cruz, speaking to John Harwood during a ten-question interview, dismissed the tendency of people to do things like fact-check his claims supporting his argument that the IRS should be abolished:

HARWOOD: You’ve said a few things that don’t necessarily comport with the facts, like, “125,000 I.R.S. agents, send ‘em to the border.” They’ve only got 25,000 agents or something like. You’ve talked about the job-killing nature of Obamacare. We’re adding jobs at a very healthy clip right now. Why shouldn’t somebody listen to you and say, “The guy’ll just say anything – doesn’t have to be true”? 
CRUZ: There is a game that is played by left-wing editorial writers. It’s this new species of yellow journalism called PolitiFact. Colloquially I was referring to all the employees as agents. That particular stat is in a joke I used. So, they’re literally fact-checking a joke. I say that explicitly tongue in cheek.

Get it?  Any time Ted Cruz says something ridiculously non factual, it's stupid liberals fact-checking a joke and anyone who looks to fact-check his statements are "yellow journalists."

Dear political journalists: you are the enemy to any Republican.  They would see you destroyed as much as they would want to even look at you.  Why treat them as anything other than a cancer on our body politic?
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