Saturday, October 13, 2018

I'm At WTRUMP In Cincinnati

Tang the Conqueror did a victory lap here in the Cincinnati area last night, up at the Warren County Fairgrounds, once again snarling Friday traffic as he stumped for several Ohio candidates who have been quietly trying to run away from the orange albatross around their necks.

"We are more energized as Republicans than ever before," Trump told the crowd bundled against the chill on the outskirts of the Cincinnati region. "Did he get treated badly or unfairly or what? Horrible."

Returning to a recent incendiary talking point, Trump deemed the Democrats who opposed Kavanaugh "a mob," but said they would not stop him from potentially, he guessed, appointing up to four more justices to the court throughout his time in office -- for a total of six, or two-thirds of the court's nine justices.

"Republicans believe in the rule of law, not the rule of the mob," Trump said. "These are bad people. We can't let his happen to our country."

And he invoked Thursday's bizarre Oval Office appearance by hip hop megastar Kanye West, who held court across from Trump to call for prison reform, reveal his own struggles with mental illness, tout the need for an improved Air Force One and become likely the first person to utter the phrase "crazy motherf---er" -- at least in front of the press -- in that storied room.

"It was pretty amazing, wasn't it?" Trump asked with a smile before highlighting low minority unemployment numbers as a reason for black voters to switch to the GOP.

"We are asking all African-American voters to honor us with their support," Trump said. "Get away from the Democrats!

Following along the teleprompter, Trump spent a few minutes extolling a slate of Republican candidates, including Rep. Jim Renacci, who is challenging Democratic U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown, as well as Rep. Steve Chabot, who is in a hotly contested fight with Aftab Pureval.

"A vote for a Republican Congress is a vote for more jobs, more wealth, more products made right here in the USA, which is what we're all about," Trump said. "And a vote for a Republican is a vote to reject the Democratic politics of hatred, anger and division. You've seen that."

But most of the night resembled a greatest hits show, as Trump touted the growing economy, stressed the need for his proposed Space Force to defend the heavens, suggested the nation needed to build "bigger arenas" to hold his rally crowds and danced along the edge of offending two ethnic groups by exaggerating the threat posed by Latino MS-13 gang members by suggesting they be hauled off in "paddy wagons."

He also deemed many of his predecessors as "normal" before going on a rambling recollection of historical Ohioans, which included a salute to Ulysses S. Grant for overcoming Robert E. Lee if not his own alcoholism and suggesting that President William McKinley was a wildly underrated president.

Trump also managed to tie the controversy over NFL players kneeling for the national anthem to the moon landing, recalling Neil Armstrong's first moments on the lunar surface.

"There was no kneeling, there was no nothing," Trump said. "There was no games. BOOM. BOOM. Right, fellas?"

To recap, Trump spent an hour last night taking credit for the 1969 moon landing, for winning a national war against gangs that isn't national, the entire civil rights era (because Democrats did nothing for black folk) and for all of Ohio's presidents.

Oh, and something about Jim Renacci and Steve Chabot.  Mike DeWine was there, but he cut out early, literally running away from Trump in a state he won by eight points in 2016.  They all know the guy's poison, but they are stuck with him.

Good luck, Ohio Republicans...
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