Saturday, October 6, 2018

Lat Call For Institutes Of Destruction

As Steve M. reminds us, Republicans won on Kavanaugh because there is nothing they wouldn't have destroyed in order to win, and winning is all that matters now.

No, there won't be hell to pay. Republicans have demonstrated that they see public confidence in institutions as an expendable luxury. Americans will now lose confidence in the Supreme Court as they've lost confidence in Congress, the presidency, and our electoral system. Republicans don't care. They control all these institutions, which do what they want done. That's all that matters to them.

What's the approval rating of Congress? It's 19%, according to Gallup.Gallup polls this question monthly, and the number has been 20% or less every month since Republicans took over the House in January 2011.

And that's working out just fine for them. They got their tax cut this year. The Republican Senate has put dozens of far-right judges on the courts, including two on the Supreme Court. Obamacare repeal could happen in the lame-duck session. Who needs public respect for the institution?

Republicans have persuaded much of the country that our electoral system is corrupted by massive amounts of voter fraud, even as they do nothing to prevent Russian interference in elections -- but elections have been going Republicans' way for years, so it's all good. (If elections don't go Republicans' way this year, they can yell and scream about a corrupted system.)

Republicans elected a president who dishonors the presidency at every opportunity. So what? He's signing the bills they want and appointing the judges they want.

So we should all stop saying that institutions are being damaged as if we expect anyone in power to care. The people who run the government have calculated that respected institutions simply aren't necessary.

The only thing that matters is winning, and they have won.  We have a chance to win in November.  If we don't, well, your prepper friends are probably right that there will be a nasty little war in our future.  Hell, even if we do win the House back, it's going to be a street brawl until Trump is gone.

Everything is a fight now that must be won, and they are willing to sacrifice everything to win.

Our side is not.

It won't be pretty.
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