House Democratic leaders introduced two articles of impeachment against President Trump on Dec. 10: one for abuse of power and one for obstruction of Congress.
[Everything you need to know about impeachment]
Trump will be impeached if the House passes one or both articles by a simple majority (That means House Democrats need 216 votes given the current makeup of the House — there are a handful of vacant seats). More than 200 House Democrats have announced their support for both articles of impeachment.
A two-thirds majority of senators present would then have to vote to convict and remove the president from office.
The House is expected to vote on the articles before the Christmas recess. Below is a tally of how House members are expected to vote on impeachment. None have yet said they will vote for just one article, but we will track that here if they do.
The count stands at 206 for, with ten more needed out of 27 uncommitted so far. Now Republican Jeff Van Drew is against the measure, and so far only Minnesota Democrat Colin Peterson has defected. Independent Justin Amash, driven out of the GOP for even entertaining the idea of impeachment, is a yes vote.
We'll see where the vote lands tomorrow.