Sunday, April 26, 2020

Last Call For Biden, His Time Con't

Joe Biden's brilliant strategy of "Letting Trump screw up daily for six weeks during a massive pandemic crisis" is paying political dividends as people are kind of noticing that Trump was never fit for real leadership.  The COVID-19 death toll is heading for 55,000 and Biden does need to engage voters on that, but nowhere near the level as on Trump's daily egofests. CNN polling guru and stats man Harry Enten:

A new Fox News poll from Michigan finds former Vice President Joe Biden leading President Donald Trump by a 49% to 41% margin. Other Fox News polls from Florida and Pennsylvania also showed Biden clearly ahead. 
In all three cases, Biden's doing better than he is in the long-term polling average in those states. 
What's the point: A lot of Democrats have been hankering for Biden to try and get out to be more part of the daily media conversation. The latest numbers suggest that these voices are likely wrong. Biden's proving that the less media he receives, the better it is for his electoral prospects. 
Over the last month and a half, Trump has had the political spotlight shone on him. He's had daily press conferences that the media has extensively covered. Meanwhile, Biden's struggling to attract much of an audience as he is stuck at home. 
You can see this really well in media mentions in the top paragraph of stories, as measured by Four years ago from March 20 to April 20, Trump had about 65% of the mentions between Hillary Clinton and him. This year during the same period, Trump's gotten about 90% of the coverage dedicated to Biden or him. That is, Biden's turned a 2:1 disadvantage into a 9:1 disadvantage.

This is why the Biden opposition on the Trump side and on the Sanders side (because let's be honest, there is now a concerted effort to sink Joe Biden by the dirtbag left before the convention to replace him with Sanders, regardless of what Democratic primary voters actually want) are both covering the 1993 sexual assault allegations against Biden by a woman named Tara Reade.

Everyone from Double G's shop The Intercept to the Daily Caller and FOX News State TV are running with "new evidence" against Biden.

A 1993 video has surfaced that appears to show the mother of Tara Reade, the former aide to Joe Biden who has accused him of sexual assault, talking about "problems" her daughter faced on CNN’s "Larry King Live." 
As first reported by the Intercept, an unnamed woman from San Luis Obispo, California, called into King's show and said, "I’m wondering what a staffer would do besides go to the press in Washington? My daughter has just left there, after working for a prominent senator, and could not get through with her problems at all, and the only thing she could have done was go to the press, and she chose not to do it out of respect for him."

Reade confirmed to POLITICO it was her mother's voice.

King asked the woman, “She had a story to tell but, out of respect for the person she worked for, she didn’t tell it?" 
The caller replied, "That's true." 
In March, Reade accused Biden of digitally penetrating her in 1993 without her consent. Last year, she told reporters that Biden inappropriately touched her at the time, including on her neck and shoulder, but did not talk about an alleged assault. 
Before the King video was discovered, Reade told media outlets, including POLITICO, that her mother had called into his show. She did not remember the date of the show at the time.

Biden has to deal with this directly and soon, or he'll be hounded out of the race.  Al Franken found out the hard way that this is a career-ending accusation at this level of politics...and Donald Trump of course found out that career-ending sexual assault only applies to Democrats.
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