Monday, June 6, 2022

Another Day In Gunmerica, Con't

At this point Republicans no longer fear being wildly racist assholes, because they figure blaming Biden for $5 gas will win them 280 House seats and 54 in the Senate and they can say the quiet part out loud with an entire stadium PA system.

Tech investor and Arizona Republican Senate hopeful Blake Masters acknowledges that the United States has a gun violence problem. But he also has a theory about why there’s a problem—it’s “Black people, frankly.”

Masters boiled the issue down in an April 11 interview on the Jeff Oravits Show podcast, telling the host that “we do have a gun violence problem in this country, and it’s gang violence.”

“It’s people in Chicago, St. Louis shooting each other. Very often, you know, Black people, frankly,” Masters clarified. “And the Democrats don’t want to do anything about that.”

It’s unclear why Masters—who has pushed the baseless “great replacement” conspiracy theory narrative—felt compelled to single out Black people. Moments earlier in the interview, during a discussion about Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson’s confirmation hearings, Masters told Oravits that “most Americans just, you know, just want to stop obsessing about race all the time,” adding that “the left’s biggest tool in their toolkit is just to divide people on the basis of race, and that’s really messed up.”

Republicans frequently cite urban gang violence, most often in Chicago, in attempts to tap out of the gun control debate. While their redirections are often as misleading as they are cliche, those officials aren’t always as forthright as Masters about the racial undertones.

But Masters, whom the white nationalist website VDARE fĂȘted last year as an “immigration patriot,” was quite clear about his vision of two Americas.

After pinning gun violence on gangs and Black people—and saying, falsely, that Democratic administrations “don’t want to do anything” about gang shootings—the Stanford-educated libertarian went on to complain to Oravits that gun control efforts target “law-abiding people like you and me.”

“When they ban ‘ghost guns’ and pistol braces, that’s all about disarming law-abiding people, like you and me, that’s what it’s about,” Masters said, referencing government efforts to crack down on the surge in privately made, untraceable firearms. “They care that we can’t have guns to defend ourselves.”


So at this point we're at straight up "We need the Second Amendment so we can shoot us some ni-CLANG!" 

Once again I implore you, your Republican voting relatives, I know the entire point of the GOP is to hurt anyone who isn't a straight white male and put everyone else as second-class citizens with malleable, disposable rights, but the rest of us outnumber them. We can beat this, and it's the rest of these folks who are siding with the GOP who are hoping they'll get secondary power that need to be convinced otherwise.

We all know people like that. Some of them are relatives or even significant others or spouses.

Please, help us. I know a lot of them don't care who they hurt as long as it's marginalized groups, but talk to them anyway. Real people are going to be destroyed here. Real lives are at stake.

Make a difference.

Help us escape Gunmerica.

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