Thursday, August 28, 2008

Vigorously Interrogated Logic

Michael Medved at Townhall argues that the American dream can't be in trouble because a black guy has been nominated as President and a woman very nearly became that nominee, so the Democrats are pretty much lying when they say America might be on the wrong track.

On the one hand, they want Americans to believe that we live in a dark, destitute moment in our history, with no chance for prosperity or progress unless a Democrat captures the White House.

On the other hand, they celebrate dozens of inspiring rags-to-riches stories (like those of the party’s sweethearts, Barack and Michelle Obama) proving that traditional American values still bring spectacular and gratifying results.

First, they suggest that ordinary Americans can’t possibly achieve their dreams without government help.

But then, sometimes in the very same speeches, they brag about their own classic American stories in which family and faith conquer every obstacle.

Consider the way the convention celebrated Michelle Obama’s story on its opening night. Her brother, Craig Robinson, emphasized the way their parents’ values brought about their success, saying “I can see how the person she is today, was formed in the experiences we shared growing up: working hard, studying hard, having parents who wanted more for us than what they had. And always being reminded that in this country of all countries—those things are possible.”

Somebody from the Right always drags this idiotic argument out whenever a minority, woman, or gay/lesbian politician makes it in America: they are the proof that the rest of America's minorities, women, or gays/lesbians harping about equal treatment under the law are just too lazy and that the Democrats' silly insistence that the government should help people is just holding them back, making them lazier and dragging the people who work hard down.

After all, the GOP went out of its way to assure they didn't help anyone like that over the last eight years, ostensibly to forge Persons Of Character in the crucible of history and let the cream rise to the top. Compassionate Conservatism in action.

The billions in corporate tax breaks, weakening of goverment regulation and oversight to the point of neglect, and rampant cronyism in the Bush executive are in fact simply there to make it harder on the rest of us out of tough love.

Sarcasm aside, the basic difference between Liberals and Conservatives in 2008 is that Liberals believe everyone else is basically good and will probably end up better if you help them, and that government should be in the business of helping people, and Conservatives believe everyone else is basically flawed and will probably end up worse, so government should be in the business of punishing people.

You feel like the government should be helping people or punishing people?

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