Thursday, August 28, 2008

Why Don't You Go Be Helpful Over There, George

Because apparently, Hurricane Gustav is a good excuse for President Dipstick Q. Destroywhateverhetouches to NOT be in St. Paul on Labor Day.
The president is, of course, scheduled to speak on Monday (Labor Day) at the convention, right around the time Tropical Storm Gustav, which is expected to become a hurricane, hits the Gulf Coast. Fox News' Bret Baier reported this morning, "We're told, by the White House, there are conversations underway about [the] schedule, and whether [Bush] will, in fact, speak on Monday. They are meeting behind closed doors about the response, first of all -- they have FEMA Director David Paulison already active down there -- and the administration obviously very sensitive to this. But if this hurricane rolls in, and the timing is the same, you could see the president possibly not speak on Monday night. It's something that both the White House and the RNC are working on right now."
What's going though Karl Rove's mind right now is "Hell yeah, a hurricane will give us an opportunity to totally show America that Republicans can help people on the Gulf Coast we've been mostly ignoring for the last three years! Send in Dubya!"

Once again, pray that nobody gets hurt. But the path of the storm seems to be going right for Texas/Louisiana.

And it'll be yet another chance to remind America how, when faced with people who have been flooded out of their homes, neglected by the government, lost everything they had a SECOND TIME and have no way to get out of the path of the storm that the lesson you'll need to be drawing in 2008 is "angry black people are scary!"

Count on it.

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