Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Sound, Fury, And A Lot Of Dead

Jeff Huber is certainly one of the folks you should be reading on US foreign policy, and his take on Israel's latest foray into Gaza is spot on.
Never tired of watching its own horror show, the Bush team is reprising the scenario it ran in Lebanon: Cheney goads Bush into giving tacit approval for Israel to launch a military offensive against a group of sand colored people who, in terms of relative firepower, amount to an ant colony. Kondi does her hair up like a fright wig and drags out the ceasefire process until Israel a) has killed all the sand colored people it wants to kill or b) starts getting its tohkes kicked by the sand colored people and wants mommy to make them stop it.
As usual, read the whole thing, then bookmark Pen and Sword, if only because he's one of the few Americans on earth willing to say:
It's too bad for the Palestinians they can't afford to set up a lobbying group like the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and think tanks like the American Enterprise Institute and to buy all of our politicians and our media like the Israelis have done.
And if that doesn't perfectly sum up the major problem with Israel and America's "special relationship" over the last 16 years, I dunno what will.

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