Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Cramer Versus Plan N

Jim Cramer hates Plan N with the burning hatred of a thousand burny suns that burn things, but he's accidentally told the truth in his tirade:
What's at stake with nationalization? Why do I oppose it so much? Why do I feel that its proponents are glib and over their heads and have done no homework and do not have a stitch of rigor? Maybe because I think that nothing is impossible for those who don't have to do it themselves. I have said again and again that as much as you may hate the bankers who got us here, it is well beyond the ken of this government to fix it. I have said that the analogies to the Swedish "success" of nationalization are chimerical, because the Swedish banking issues were small and manageable. I have said that you simply can't compare the two.
On one level, Cramer's right. The free market got us into this mess...but the government may not be able get us out.

However, he seems to think that because the government's not capable of doing it, the people that got us into this mess somehow are. That's just as false, if not more so. I'm far more willing to let the government try then I am the people who cost us several trillion dollars and our economy. Frankly, they can't be too much worse.
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