Yesterday on Fox News, RNC Chairman Michael Steele said he was open to withholding RNC funds from Sens. Olympia Snowe (R-ME), Susan Collins (R-ME), and Arlen Specter (R-PA) because they voted for Obama’s economic recovery package. “I’m always open to everything baby,” he told host Neil Cavuto. If state parties want to enact retribution against those Senators, then the RNC will follow their lead, Steele explained.You do that, Mike. Replace those guys with hard core fundies in deep blue New England and the Mid-Atlantic, and see how badly they lose.
We could sure use more Democratic senators. You're doing a great job. Bonus stupid:
Steele said his solution for the economic crisis is to put in place a spending freeze. Republicans are quickly rallying around the old Hoover agenda of enacting a spending freeze in the midst of a recession.Yep. Keep on spinning out those oldies, man.
Heck of a job, Steeley.