Wednesday, April 15, 2009


3,000 or so showed up for the We Hate Obama umm Obama lowered our taxes, the bastard "Tea Party" here on Fountain Square in downtown Cincy. You know, 2,000 fewer people than showed up last month.
One of the organizers, Bruce Knox, a machinery business owner in Franklin, Ohio, told the crowd that the news media is focused on pirates in Somalia when it should pay attention to the pirates in Washington.

After the lunch hour rally, a few thousand people began a march to City Hall to deliver petitions containing 1,700 signatures asking City Council to reject federal stimulus money.
Because creating jobs is bad! You stop that right now! And Obama's a Somali pirate!

I wonder. While Bruce Knox, machinery business owner, is here taking time off for protesting, how many of his employees are busting their asses back at his business and are thankful for the tax credit Obama signed into law that Brucie there is protesting against? How many got laid off thanks to the mess Bush made? Must be nice to have your boss out there protesting that you got a tax cut. I want to work for this guy.

I wonder. Does the story mean Greg Knox instead of Bruce?

[UPDATE] Josh Marshall has me shaking my head at these idiots.
Wow, first video from the Chicago tea bagging event suggests the folks didn't get the cheat sheet from Freedom Works. The first guy interviewed on CNN just said Obama was a fascist and now seems to be saying that they're standing up for the legacy of Abraham Lincoln, who you may recall put in place what was arguably the largest increase in federal power and spending in all of American history.
Le sigh.

[UPDATE 2] Video from Media Matters. It really is that bad out there in Tea Bag Hell.


Unknown said...

I don't know if you've seen this, but please, *please* check out this article and video:

I laughed so much I cried.

Zandar said...

Oh. My. God.

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