Wednesday, April 29, 2009


So, no border closing with Mexico because of Swine Flu, state secrets are overbroad(!!!), yes, he's read Cheney's documents and doesn't buy the legal argument for torture but doesn't quite call it criminal (and didn't say he was never going to do it again), Iraq's not so bad, Pakistan is very bad, and Arlen Specter's an okay guy.

Something of a tap dance job, but then again he's got a lot of damn stuff to deal with and that's just this week. Still...Obama did give solid answers on a lot of things (just not torture). I do like the reduction of state secrets...especially since the courts are kind of killing him on it.

Also, wash your hands.

(Could Dubya have kept even a quarter of all that straight?)

And what's with nobody asking a question about the economy until the Telemundo and the BET reporter do it?

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