Sunday, May 24, 2009

Another Milepost On The Road To Oblivion

What a concept: not only admitting that the financial system is rigged, but admitting that in order to profit from it, you have to play with the intention of gaming the rigged system.

His honesty is in fact refreshing, but it's in fact one of the logical endpoints of what I've been saying since January 2008. Quite frankly, what do you think the big banks and the insurance companies have been doing for the last ten years if not profiting by in fact gaming the rigged system for themselves?

Would I recommend following his advice? Not in the least. But the guy has a hell of a marketing tool on his side -- "Where's my bailout?" -- and he's marketing the hell out of it. He will sell this system. He will make money from this. The people who buy into this? Not so much.

Good or bad, that's capitalism in 2009, folks.

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