Sunday, May 24, 2009

Not Even Trying To Hide It Anymore

And why should they? Republicans have already proven the terrorist fear card will get the Senate to do whatever they want. Why not play it 100% of the time when there's no downside anymore? What's going to honestly happen to the GOP if they do this, they'll lose control of Congress or the White House?

So why not try to scare everyone out of their minds?
Echoing Dick Cheney during an appearance on Meet the Press, Gingrich insisted that “people should be afraid” because of President Barack Obama’s alterations to former President George W. Bush’s terror war.

“If you look at the behavior the last few months, if you look at the effort to open up past wounds,” said Gingrich. “… If you were a CIA employee today, and you understood there were people who wanted a truth commission, that people wanted to say to you, ‘I want to go back six, seven, eight years and I wanna put you on trial potentially … If you look at what Speaker Pelosi said, they lie to us all the time … This has hurt morale. The question is, is the most important thing to us today to find some sort of American Civil Liberties Union model of making sure that we never offend terrorists, or we’re gonna cover your back, we’re proud of you and we want you to defend America.”

Newt Gingrich on on my TV telling me I have to be scared to the point of pissing myself and that Obama is going to get thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of Americans killed.

Doesn't matter if it's a false choice and a lie if people cave in to the GOP. And Democrats in Congress have been caving in on this since 9/12. Doesn't matter if it's simple Village publicity stunts gone bad. FEAR FEAR FEAR FEAR! OBAMA WILL KILL YOUR FAMILY! ONLY THE GOP CAN SAVE YOU! BE AFRAAAAAAAAAAAAID!

And yet, it works every time. We still treat Newt Gingrich as a serious person.

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