Monday, June 1, 2009

Stopped Clock Is Right Alert

And this time it's a big one. Dick Cheney may not be my favorite person, and he has done some pretty execrable things in his political career.

He is however one of the more enlightened Republicans on the subject of gay marriage.
Speaking at the National Press Club for the Gerald R. Ford Foundation journalism awards, Cheney was asked about recent rulings and legislative action in Iowa and elsewhere that allowed for gay couples to legally wed.

"I think that freedom means freedom for everyone," replied the former V.P. "As many of you know, one of my daughters is gay and it is something we have lived with for a long time in our family. I think people ought to be free to enter into any kind of union they wish. Any kind of arrangement they wish. The question of whether or not there ought to be a federal statute to protect this, I don't support. I do believe that the historically the way marriage has been regulated is at the state level. It has always been a state issue and I think that is the way it ought to be handled, on a state-by-state basis. ... But I don't have any problem with that. People ought to get a shot at that."

Which is funny, because I honestly want to see which Republican is going to attack Cheney's position on gay marriage first.

It doesn't begin to make up for the horrific things Cheney has done. But even he is human, and has a lesbian daughter who he cares about enough to think she should be able to get married.

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