Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Bachmanniac Versus Obamacare

Michele "Fact-Free" Bachmann spouts out pretty much every health care reform lie in the book over at in an impressive display of pure bullpucky.
Democrats are pushing for a government takeover of health care that sounds nice but would have devastating consequences for families and small businesses. A government takeover of health care will raise taxes, ration care, and let government bureaucrats make decisions that should be made by families and their doctors.

Republicans want to make quality health care coverage affordable and accessible for every American, and let those who like their current health care coverage keep it. Republicans support health care reform that puts patients and their health first, and protects the important doctor-patient relationship.

The Democrats' government-takeover of health care will deny access to medical care and life-saving treatments. An estimated 100-million-plus Americans would lose their current health care under the Democrats' government-run plan. Government mandates in health care already encourage waste, fraud and abuse that result in higher costs and more families without care. We cannot allow politicians and special interests to stand between patients and the care they need. The American people deserve the freedom to choose the health care that is best for their families.

Last month when speaking to the American Medical Association, President Obama praised countries that "spend less" than the U.S. on health care. For instance, the British system is often touted as spending half as much per capita on health care as here in the U.S. But as the Wall Street Journal explained today, you get what you pay for. The very real consequence in the U.K. is the rationing of specific drugs, tests, and treatments dictated by a government-regulatory body known as the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE).
Where do I start? She's typing up John McCain's talking points from last August. It's not a government takeover. It's not rationed health care. It's not going to cause 100 million anyone from losing any health care plan.

A public option would be a choice. 100 million people would in fact CHOOSE to take the public option because it would be cheaper, portable, and more efficient. And the U.K. system is NOT a public option, but a single-payer mandated system. The two different systems are not the same.

Once again, Bachmanniac thinks you're stupid. She thinks you won't even try to go past the endless GOP talking point lies that have been discredited time and time again.

But if you're reading this, you're clearly smarter than she thinks you are. After all, her record on getting the facts straight is pretty damn pitiful.
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