Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Gonzo Goes To School

The Austin American-Statesman is reporting that Alberto Gonzales will be getting a teaching gig at Texas Tech in August.
Gonzales, who was Gov. George W. Bush’s lawyer, Texas secretary of state and then a Texas Supreme Court justice before joining Bush in Washington, will be working as an visiting professor in the political science department, teaching a “special topics” course on contemporary issues in the executive branch, according to Dora Rodriguez, a senior business assistant in the department. The university later said it will be a junior-level course.

In a press release issued hours after I inquired, the university said that as of Aug. 1, Gonzales will join the Texas Tech University System to assist both Texas Tech University and Angelo State University (in San Angelo) with recruiting and retaining first generation and under-represented students.

The university said he will work with Texas Tech’s Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity and Community Engagement in the planning of a first generation and minority student leadership training and development program.

Their statement continues that he also will teach a junior-level seminar course, “Contemporary Issues in the Executive Branch” in the Department of Political Science at Texas Tech. As a visiting professor Gonzales will guest lecture to classes across the campus.

Kent Hance, Texas Tech’s chancellor, was quoted saying: “I am excited that Alberto Gonzales is bringing his experience to Texas Tech. His own upbringing in Houston as part of a migrant family with eight children makes him qualified to tell underrepresented Texas students that college is possible. He will help Texas Tech and ASU prepare our students for success and to be future leaders in the state of Texas and beyond.”

Everything really is bigger in the Lone Star State, including the hoops people are jumping through to pretend that Gonzo isn't the most corrupt, political, and incompetent AG the country ever had the misfortune of having. But hey, given the number of Bushies pulling teaching gigs these days, it gives creedence to the old saying "Those who can't do, teach." The fact an ex-AG couldn't land a job for six months should tell you all you need to know about how the private sector views the guy's abilities. As one TPM commenter said:
Please tell me there's at least one Texas Tech political science student with the guts to answer "I do not recall" to every test question. Maybe even "I do not recall remembering."
Or even better, make sure you're involved in student government and then claim "I don't have to answer it because these legal theories do not apply to the Student Government executive."


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