Monday, July 20, 2009

Does This Qualify As Terrorism?

Via Think Progress, anti-abortion group Operation Rescue's founder is vowing 'violent convulsions' should a public health care option include funding for abortion.
“Nevertheless, the sheer horror and frustration of such an evil policy will lead some people to absolutely refuse to pay their taxes. And I believe — if my reading of history from America and around the world is correct — that there are others who will be tempted to acts of violence.

“If the government of this country tramples the faith and values of its citizens, history will hold those in power responsible for the violent convulsions that follow.” — Randall Terry

So, Randall Terry is publicly advocating the threat of violence as a method to affect a change in political policy, which if I'm correct is the post 9/11 definition of terrorism.

My question is this: given we've already seen anti-abortion groups follow through with these threats before by killing doctors, exactly when does the Obama Homeland Security Department and Janet Napolitano start classifying these groups as domestic terrorists?

I'm being deadly honest here. No matter what your personal feelings on abortion are, you start killing people or threatening violence in order to try to change politics, you're a terrorist, plain and simple. Some kind of manifesto comes across like this from Bin Laden, there would be no doubt. So when these crackpots are telegraphing a violent uprising coming, why don't we have the full force of the U.S. Government on these guys?

What will it take?

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