Overall, President Obama's approval rating stands at 59%, similar to the latest results from Gallup. It's the first time he's slipped below the 60% plateau in this poll, but all things being equal, 59% is still fairly strong support. The president's approval ratings on specific issue areas has slipped -- his strongest support is on U.S. policy in Afghanistan, his weakest is in dealing with the budget deficit -- but his leadership attributes remain high.Again, with Obama having a 23 point edge on the GOP on the issue of the economy and 20 on health care, and with the GOP's approval rating at 36%, what exactly makes the Republicans think they're winning anything right now?The president's GOP detractors will no doubt be pleased by these results, but on some key areas, Obama is still strongly favored over Republicans. While the gaps have narrowed a bit, the president has a 23-point lead over the minority part on economic policy, a 20-point lead on health care, and a 19-point lead on the deficit. Overall, just 36% approve of how Republicans in Congress are doing their job -- 11 percentage points lower than the congressional majority.
By comparison, at this point in Clinton's first term, Republicans were far more competitive -- Clinton led the GOP, for example, on the economy by just five points (45% to 40%) at this point in 1993.
Specifically on health care, poll respondents were asked, "Thinking about health care, one proposal to insure nearly everyone would require all Americans to have health insurance or pay a penalty on their income tax, excluding those with lower incomes. It would require most employers to offer health coverage or pay a fee. There would be a government-run plan to compete with private insurers. And income taxes on people earning more than 280-thousand dollars a year would be raised to help fund the program. Taken together, would you support or oppose this plan? Do you feel that way strongly or somewhat?"
Despite the wording of the question, 54% said they support this plan as it was described. The support was higher among Democrats and independents.
Obama still has a 19 point edge on the GOP on the issue of the budget deficit. Clearly, voters remember that the Republicans spent trillions of dollars on an unnecessary war and tax cuts for the weathiest Americans and are now not happy seeing where we are financially as a result.
Yeah, Obama's lost some Republican support. Surprise! But by a large margin, the American people still trust Obama over the GOP.
Conservative Democrats should remember that. The GOP is overplaying their hand here, I think. The return of the motivated "Yes We Can" Obama is going to cause the GOP some serious heartburn here over the next couple of weeks.