Thursday, July 9, 2009

Epic Iron-y Mining Fail

From Think Progress:
On June 25, the Arizona Senate’s Retirement and Rural Development Committee discussed the prospects for uranium mining in the state. During the hearing, State Senator Sylvia Allen (R), the vice chairman of the committee, argued in favor of mining by saying that the earth “has been here 6,000 years, long before anybody had environmental laws, and somehow it hasn’t been done away with.” “We need to get the uranium here in Arizona, so this state can get the money from it,” argued Allen.

Oh good lord. And these know-nothing ignorant Republican dipsticks are making major policy decisions for millions of Americans on a daily basis? Shouldn't the people making decisions at this level -- particularly scientific, economic, and environmental decisions -- be slightly more informed, educated, and logical? And yet we have here someone who is and elected state official making policy decisions at at state level, armed with bad facts and pure ignorance. Six thousand years old, really? God/Goddess/Yahweh/Allah/Buddha/Flying Spaghetti Monster is smarter than that.

Ahh, but it gets worse:
Phil Plait of BadAstronomy notes that the irony of Allen’s claim “is that she’s talking about uranium mining, and it’s through the radioactive decay of uranium that we know the Earth is billions of years old.”
Because science is a myth, it's just invisible creator deity of your choice cruelly testing us, cleverly planting decayed uranium (the bastard!)


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