Thursday, July 9, 2009

Tehran Calling, Part 5

Things are getting hinky in Tehran again as protesters are taking to the street in massive numbers. As usual, HuffPo's Nico Pitney has the best liveblogging coverage. You can also find good stuff from Robert Mackey at the NY Times.

CNN has this story:
The demonstration is taking place on the 10th anniversary of a student uprising that, at the time, posed the biggest threat to the Islamic regime since its inception in 1979.

The protesters are using the anniversary to resume demonstrations against the outcome of the June 12 presidential election.

An estimated 2,000 to 3,000 people crowded the streets and headed toward Tehran University, the site of the 1999 student uprising.

Several protesters were hit on the arms and backs by the Basij, the journalist reported. The militia tried to persuade one man, whose face was bleeding, to get into an ambulance, but he refused.

Some of the protesters shouted "Allah u Akbar," or "God is Great" and "Ya Hussein, Mir Hussein" referring to opposition candidate Mir Hossein Moussavi.
We'll see what happens.

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