Sunday, July 19, 2009

Last Call

Via Raw Story:

Sen. Judd Gregg (R-Not Obama's Commerce Secretary) comes up with the Worst. Universal. Health Care Coverage Plan. Ever.

No, seriously. Make everyone buy health care coverage from a private insurer, subsidize it for poor people (also help out self-employed people some too, but you'd still force 20 million people to self-insure at soul-crushing premiums), then make it high-deductible "catastrophic event" insurance that means people don't get treated unless they pay tens of thousands up front for a $100,000 plus hospital stay. It's funneling money directly to the insurance companies and still rationing people's health care by their ability to pay, and is all but worthless should you actually need it. Should you not, hey, your mandated premiums go straight to the insurance companies anyway.

God that's a hell of a scam. It really is.

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