The Senate voted Thursday night to extend the "Cash for Clunkers" program with an infusion of $2 billion.White House aides said earlier that President Obama will quickly sign the bill into law to prevent any interruption to the popular incentive.
The Senate voted 60-37 to approve the measure already passed by the House.
"He's going to want to make sure the funds are in place by this weekend," one senior White House official noted, because of the particularly brisk weekend business the program has sparked.
The program under Obama's economic stimulus package pays people up to $4,500 for trading an older-model vehicle with low fuel efficiency for new vehicles that get better miles per gallon.
The new measure had five Republicans for the bill (Brownback-KS, Collins and Snowe-ME, Bond-MO, and Voinovich-OH) but two Democrats against, Missouri's Claire McCaskill and Nebraska's Ben Nelson. Thanks, guys.
The 3 not voting, Byrd, Kennedy and Barbra Mikulski of Maryland.
Yes, even Evan F'ckin Bayh and Joe F'ckin Lieberman voted for the bill. Max Baucus too. But noooo, I have to put Democrat Stupidity down there thanks to those two.