They decided to bring their friends as TPMDC's Eric Kleefield reports.
As it turns out, however, Miller agreed several days ago to hold a meeting with some conservative activists back home. So now a local Tea Party has been promoting it as a town hall -- which it is not -- and urging people to show up outside:Ahh, teabaggers. They just keep on giving."A large demonstration is going to be staged outside of his office during the meeting! We want an ENORMOUS turn out! With our "representatives" on recess, we have a golden opportunity to show them what we think!""We're treating it like it's any other constituent meeting by the office," Miller spokesperson LuAnn Canipe told TPM. "And then unbeknownst to us, it's also orchestrated to get the protesters there and treat it as a town hall."
Canipe said the meeting is still scheduled for tomorrow: "We're gonna go forward with business as usual. The Congressman often meets with groups he disagrees with. He's going to continue to do that, and we'll see where it goes from here."
I wonder what in turn Rep. Miller will recieve from his new friends?